Bk Craft Beers is the best beer for your thirsty needs. The beer is brewed under perfect circumstances and is an award winning craft beer brewed by the best brewers all over the world. it started with a story between two brothers and their love for qualitive tastefull beers. On a sundaymorning they decided to try out a beer with several ingredients they gained in the last couple of months. The result is a clear, fresh tasting beer with lots of minerals and water right from the spring. Based in the Netherlands but shipping worldwide is our famous beer one of the best craft beers of his kind.
Have you tried already are new beer with lots of Hop? It is a tasty journey full with spicy ingredients like Hop, grain, ashwaganda, bittersour and grape.
Fused With Ingredients from different herbs right out of the nature and full of tasty bubbles. Our new AD is live on radio dutch.
From Around The World
Started in the garage and now one of the biggest amateur breweries of the world. All our profit goes to charity and with selling beers we make the world a better place. It brings joy, pleasure and people together. A good conversation never started with a good glass of water right? ;)
What people are saying
These are the best craft beers I’ve ever tasted. Tangy is my favourite but my wife loves Aroma.
These are the best craft beers I’ve ever tasted. Aroma is my favourite but my husband loves Tangy.
Since I first tasted Avada Fury I’ve never had anything else. Thank you for creating such a lovey craft beer!.
Quality Hops
Our hops comes from the best ingredients and from fields where the farmers are treated well and where they get a fair price for their product. What we see around the world is that big companies are spending tons of money on marketing while the farmer stays behind. It is dramatic to see that people still struggling to make profit while they are the hardest workers on the planet.
Fusion Flavours
We have tried a lot of flavours and the result is a vary of different craft beers with many different tastes and different looks. From chocolate, herbs to fresh lemon beer. Wherever our brain goes, our hands never stops.
Unique Taste
Because brewing the beer through are own brainwaves we definitely can say that our brew is the best in its kind. Fresh, sweet, bitter, suprisingly, or whatever. With every beer we suprise people with good quality beers.